Learn Pilates and GYROKINESIS®

I currently teach Private Pilates and GYROKINESIS ® sessions online  via Zoom. I truly love the opportunity to work with folk, where they are at geographically and in their own bodies, to find movement that builds strength and resiliency.

9-10 am– gentle GYROKINESIS online.

Free your spine and breathe a bit. GYROKINESIS exercises move the spine through your full range of motion. This class is gentle, remaining largely standing or sitting on the stool or chair with a minimum of time on the floor.

Pay What You Can donations accepted at Paypal seesonya@gmail.com or Venmo @LeCirqueCentre

By clicking on the Zoom link I accept responsibility for all risk affiliated with engaging in exercise, and release Sonya Smith and Le Cirque Centre from all liability.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 0073 4708
Passcode: GYRO

Client Testimonials

“A month ago, I was scheduled to have back surgery. Discouraged by the possible outcomes, I canceled my procedure and sought 1-on-1 Pilates as part of an alternate plan. My goal is to live without chronic pain. I can honestly say that after just five sessions with Sonya, I’m on track to meet that goal. She is incredibly attentive, constantly making sure I’m engaging the correct muscles to protect my back. I now see Pilates as part of my life-long plan to gain and maintain my back health.”

~Hannah S

Sonya is absolutely the best Pilates teacher you could ever have the good fortune to work with. She has a masterful grasp of the Pilates technique and a deep knowledge base and understanding of anatomy, body mechanics and movement re education. She brings a huge heart and warm sense of humor to her work which makes it fun and easy to commit to a program of either private sessions or group classes. I have suffered from chronic low back and SI joint issues for years and have tried addressing these limitations using personal trainers, physical therapists, and other movement re education modalities. I can say without a doubt that nothing has resulted in the kind of improvement I’ve experienced with Sonya’s focused and professional guidance and Pilates training. I can’t recommend her highly enough and will be forever grateful for her kind attention and patience during my training.

-Laurie L

I came to Sonya after sustaining a couple of neck and back injuries, and going through several less-than-helpful sessions of physical therapy. I wanted to get back to the kind of exercise I love (in my case hiking and yoga), but I wasn’t making progress on my own. I reached out to Sonya for Pilates training so that I could get some one-on-one coaching designed for my body.

Sonya has been a lifesaver! She has an encyclopedic knowledge of the human body, a deep concern for my well-being, and an unfailingly patient and encouraging demeanor. Most importantly, she has an uncanny ability to explain how my muscles work in ways that I can actually understand! Working with Sonya, I realized that I was doing some of my PT exercises wrong, and had developed a set of bad habits that were exacerbating my injuries. Our workouts in person are great, and she’s also given me exercises to do at home and visualizations to use when I’m moving through life.

I’ve made tremendous progress in the last five months– I’m stronger, my posture has improved, I’m less susceptible to injury, and I’m back in yoga classes now. But I’m still seeing Sonya on a weekly basis because I’m continuing to see progress– plus, I look forward to our time together every week. Bottom line– Sonya is themost knowledgeable Pilates instructor I’ve ever met, and she’s helped me transform my body. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

-Jessica L